Saturday, June 20, 2015

Swiss Compression Technique for Correcting Bunions

Bunions are an all too common foot deformity, affecting approximately one quarter to one third of adults. While there are numerous non-surgical treatments that may alleviate minor bunion pain that is in early stages, these treatments may not permanently alleviate growth of the deformity. That’s where surgery may be necessary, and that's where Foot First can help.

At Foot First Podiatry CentersA Foot & Ankle Center, our bunion surgeries are different than traditional methods in that we employ minimally invasive incisions as well as the Swiss Compression Technique. All three of our doctors use the Swiss Compression Technique for correcting bunions. The differences, both during surgery and post-operation, are significant for Foot First patients.

Our minimally invasive incisions allow for:
  • A beautiful cosmetic post-operative result
  • No visible incision from the top of your foot
  • Minimal post-operative stiffness
  • Less pain or (in some reported cases) no pain
Our Swiss Compression Technique allows for:
  • Immediate weight bearing
  • No cast, No crutches
  • Typically back into a gym shoes in two weeks
  • Many patients return to work in just two days
  • Surgery performed at our office-based facility so no hospital visit needed
  • Personalized, post-op care that is uniquely tailored for each patient
Our surgical bone cuts allow our patients to walk right away. Structurally, these cuts are engineered to withstand weight-bearing. Here’s an illustration of bunion surgery performed the Foot First Way:
Swiss Compression Technique - The Foot First Way
Swiss Compression Technique the Foot First Way
In comparison, here’s how bunion removal is traditionally performed. Rather than compression to promote bone healing, the distraction extends the time period during which the bone needs to heal before weight-bearing activity can occur:
Traditional Bunion Surgery
Traditional Bunion Surgery
The doctors at Foot First do not compromise beauty to correct the function of your feet. At Foot First, we have performed over 9,000 Swiss Compression Technique bunion removals. According to a May 2015 John Hopkins Medicine report, there is mounting evidence that patients who are treated at medical facilities where a high-volume of a particular procedure is performed are more likely to recover and heal more healthfully than at a minimum-volume facilityDr. Keith SklarDr. Nicholas Ruckman and Dr. Samantha Sklar have treated over 60,000 patients between each of our eight office locations. All three doctors maintain their certifications, educate themselves on the latest advancements, and continue to modify surgeries to be the most minimally invasive, sound procedures.

You truly will be able to “put your best foot forward” after your treatment at Foot First Podiatry. Call us to set up a consult with one of our doctors. We will take the time to get to know you and your unique foot condition, offer suggestions on both non-surgical and surgical options, and happily address all questions and concerns you may have.

For recent before and after pictures along with detailed illustration of The Swiss Compression Bunion Technique, we invite you to view our video below:

**Article Cited: